Exhibition - Johnson City, Tennessee
group exhibition - Diverse & Beautiful: Kayumanggi, Post Colonial Filipinx
Tipton Gallery, East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, Tennessee
Curated by Karlota Contreras-Koterbay
October 4 - 26, 2018
Reception: October 5, First Friday, 6 to 8 p.m.
For this exhibition, an updated version of Daily Soaps was installed with a new set of rose-scented soaps that were carved with both English and Tagalog words. Also included in this exhibition were my sculputures Forces of Nature: Whirlpools and Walmart Bath Rugs and one slinky book It’s a Wonderful Toy.

The ‘Kayumanggi: Post Colonial Filipinx’, a group exhibition featuring Filipina/o American artists is curated by Karlota Contreras-Koterbay as part of the Diverse & Beautiful: Black Asian and Hispanic Appalachia project. The multimedia exhibition focuses on the politics of skin color and post colonial investigation of the nuanced, hybrid identity through art as agency, with employment of new media, and technology the form of photography, film/video, sculptural installations and animation.
Kayumanggi: Post Colonial Filipinx is also the third in a series of exhibitions as part of a collaborative project between the ETSU Slocumb Galleries and the American Museum of Philippine Art, highlighting Filipina/o, and Filipinx-American artists, with support from the Tennessee Arts Commission, and various regional cultural institutions. The participating artists for Kayumanggi: Post Colonial Filipinx are Alejandro Acierto (TN), Leticia Bajuyo (TN/TX), Gigi Bio (NY), Richard Brown (TN), Kelvin Burzon (IN), Marinel Isla Contreras (PH), Gina Osterloh (OH) and first Filipino Emmy awardee animator Jess Espanola (CA).
Presented by the ETSU Student Activities Allocation Committee (SAAC) and the Department of Art & Design in partnership with Language & Culture Resource Center, Office of Multicultural Affairs, Multicultural Center, Digital Media Program, East TN SW VA Philippine American Association, American Museum of Philippine Art (AMPA), ETSU Phil-American Student Society. TAC Arts Build Communities (ABC) Grant and East TN Foundation Arts Fund
Johnson City Press, October 5, 2018