December 5, 2015 - January 15, 2016
Ground Floor Gallery, Nashville, Tennessee
For this two-person exhibition titled Exurban, Jason Brown and I are worked in cooperation to advance a shared dialogue about suburban development, land use and consumerism. Brown created sculptures that are a hybrid of architectural truss forms and mountain ridgelines, and I created sculptures with diminutive suburban icons of Monopoly hotels and Little Tree air fresheners.
Amplitude, installation completed August 25, 2015
Installed in the South Bend Museum of Art, South Bend, Indiana
During the Biennial 27 exhibition, I received a purchase award for my installation of Tesseracts. For the acquisition, the Curatorial Committee of the South Bend Museum of Art commissioned a permanent, site-specific CD installation for the corridor of the Century Center connecting the Warner and Carmichael Galleries.
August 19 – September 17, 2015
Indianapolis Museum of Contemporary Art, Indianapolis, Indiana
Finders Keepers
Curated by Paula Katz, this exhibition included twelve artists at iMOCA at the Murphy. This exhibit extended beyond the museum walls in a geocaching art scavenger hunt. Each artist created miniature artworks, which were hidden throughout the southern part of downtown that could be located using the provided GPS coordinates.
June 2015
From Waste to Art Museum, Baku, Azerbaijan
IV International From Waste to Art Exhibition
I was invited to participate in the IV annual International Exhibition titled From Waste to Art, June 2015. This artist residency and group exhibition at the From Waste to Art Museum, organized by Tamiz Shahar JSC, Baku, Azerbaijan. This year, 23 artists from 17 different countries participated.
The shape of this installation was inspired by ships on the Caspian Sea in combination with the optimistic attitude inherent in and the never‐ending work of resource reuse and recycling. Titled Shipshape, this sculptural ship, whose hull is made of discarded digital memory in the CD's and DVDs, is both rising and sinking into the floor. From the bow, the waste appears perpetual and unending; while from the stern, the ship becomes a viewfinder for looking beyond and through the waste.
Tamiz Shahar is a state organization providing waste disposal services to Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan. The objective of the company is to establish up to date and sustainable waste management system in Baku and bring the latest novelties in the waste management sphere to the country through sharing experience with foreign countries and international companies. This includes a number of activities to increase public awareness on waste problems and stimulate people to protect the environment through proper waste treatment. This annual art exhibition is one of the ways in which they are achieving this goal.
Wow and Flutter: Player Pianos and Boom Boxes, graphite drawings on player piano roll paper was exhibited inTransmission.
Jun 4, 2015 - Aug 9, 2015
Blue Star Contemporary Art Museum, 116 Blue Star, San Antonio, TX 78204
Conveying meaning through verbal and nonverbal methods to relay information, voice an opinion, express emotion, and relate to others is at the foundation of existence. While methods are diverse--utilizing codified signs and symbols, gestures, technology, or abstract expressions, what happens to the message once it is sent? Translation and interpretation of communications is affected by channels and the lenses by which such messages can be read--politically, culturally, socially. While art is widely accepted as a means of expression, how is that message received? In the age of emoticons, when one's voice can be transmitted around the world instantaneously, what is communication's role, and how is human interaction affected?
Saturday, April 25, 2015
Indiana University Center for Art + Design, Columbus, IN
A recipient of the Welcoming Communities Grant from the Heritage Fund, Columbus Museum of Art and Design has created the Community Curatorial Mentorship Program. Led by Paula Katz, curator and interim Director of the Indianapolis Museum of Contemporary Art, this program will begin with a workshop on curating and developing strong shows. Mentors who will be presenting and working with participating organizations include:
Leticia Bajuyo, Hanover College
Mike Barclay, Herron School of Art + Design
Jeremy Efroymson, Curator
Matt Groshek, U. Wisconsin, Stevens Point
Laura Holzman, Herron School of Art + Design
Friday, April 17, 2015
Creative Mornings at The Pointe, Louisville, Kentucky
In 2008, Tina Roth Eisenberg (Swissmiss) started CreativeMornings out of a desire for an ongoing, accessible event for New York’s creative community. The concept was simple: breakfast and a short talk one Friday morning a month. Today, attendees gather in 110 cities around the world to enjoy fresh coffee, friendly people, and an international array of breakfast foods. As described on the CreativeMornings website, the growing archive of past breakfast talks is humbling. From design legends to hometown heroes, speakers are selected by each chapter based on a global theme.
he April 2015 CreativeMornings theme was Humility. I was honored and humbled that the coordinators for the Louisville CreativeMornings invited me to present. On Friday, April 17th, I shared a presentation titled IMHO.